View Certifications by Brands or Official Importers
We guarantee you a shield of trust that all products sold on the site are 100% authentic and only sourced directly from the brand or authorized distributors.
- We work on inventory model – meaning the orders placed by you are picked, packed and sent directly from our warehouse to you.
- The product stock at Fit & Fab Nutrition is procured directly from the brand or authorized distributors / importers
- Fit & Fab Nutrition is certified as authorized retailer by all major brands and importers.
- Imported Products have an Importer Sticker or the Importer details printed in the label.
- Products have a valid Expiry Date and Batch Number printed.
- Valid GST invoice is provided with all orders
At Fit & Fab Nutrition, we strive to provide 100% authentic products to our customers by maintaining tight quality control during sourcing and distribution of supplements.
We invest an enormous amount of time and money to ensure that our supply chain is perfectly clean and you always get the right product. You can always be sure that all the promises shared above are met by us.